Family Law Glossary | T
Tax intercept: The process by which a child support judgment debtor's federal and state income tax refunds are diverted to pay a support arrearage.
Temporary Custody: A spouse's right to have parenting time with his or her child. It includes extended stays and overnights.
Temporary Restraining Order: An order of the court prohibiting a party from acting - for example, threatening, harassing, or physically abusing the other spouse and/or the children; selling personal property; taking money out of accounts; denying the other spouse a motor vehicle.
Termination of Parental Rights: A judicial declaration that a parent shall no longer have a right to participate in decisions affecting the welfare of the child.
Testimony: Statements delivered under oath at a hearing or deposition.
Transcript: A written presentation of testimony given at a trial or at a deposition.
Transfer: To switch ownership from one person to another.
Transitional Child Care: A welfare program by which welfare recipients who stop receiving AFDC due to employment, but who can't afford to pay childcare costs, receive subsidized childcare assistance, usually for one year.
Trial: A formal court hearing to decide the disputed issues filed in the complaint or summons.

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