Family Law Glossary | P
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Palimony: Support paid from one person to another even though they were never married.
Paralegal: A trained person who assists a lawyer.
Parens Patriae: A doctrine whereby the state takes jurisdiction over a minor living within its border. It is the basis for deciding what state will assume jurisdiction in a child custody case.
Parenting Classes: Organized classes designed to teach parents how to minimize the negative aspects of divorce on their children.
Party: A plaintiff or a defendant in a legal proceeding.
Paternity: The legal biological relationship between father and child.
Pendente Lite: Latin for "while litigation is going on."
Perjury: The act of lying under oath in court.
Personal Jurisdiction: The power of the court to make orders regarding an individual and have them enforced.
Personal Property: Property that is not real estate.
Petition: A formal request that the court take some action; a complaint.
Petitioner: The person who initiates the divorce by filing the petition.
Physical Custody: It is in reference to the parent with whom the child resides. Depending upon arrangements, it may be joint or sole custody.
Plaintiff: The individual who files the divorce petition, thereby initiating the divorce.
Pleading: formal written application to the court which requests action by the court.
Postnuptial: A written contract between husband and wife that states all of their present and future rights in view of their impending divorce.
Praecipe: An order asking the court to act. It is addressed to the clerk of court.
Prayer: The portion at the end of the pleading which states the relief that is requested of the court.
Precedent: Something that has already happened that will influence how future similar events will be viewed by the court.
Prenuptial Agreement: A legal contract signed by two people before they get married. It typically involves limitations on a spouse's rights to property, support, and inheritance upon divorce.
Present Value: The value of a future payment or series of future payments discounted to the current date or to time period zero.
Primary Caretaker: The parent who provides majority of the child's day to day care.
Privilege: The right a spouse has to make admissions to an attorney or counselor that can not be later used as evidence.
Pro Se Divorce: A divorce in which each spouse represents themselves in court without an attorney.
Pro Se: On one's own behalf; not using an attorney.
Property Division: The distribution of property accumulated by spouses as a result of their joint efforts during the marriage. Sometimes referred to as a "property settlement."
Prothonothary: The court clerk in charge of civil filings.
Purpose of an Appraisal: The states scope of an appraisal assignment, i.e., to estimate a defined value of any real property interest, or to conduct an evaluation study pertaining to real property

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