Family Law Glossary | F
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Family Court: A court with jurisdiction over child support, divorce and comparable issues. In Pennsylvania, Family Courts are part of the Court of Common Pleas.
Father's Rights: Legal principles and concepts promoting the idea that custody decisions must not discriminate against fathers.
Fault-Based Divorce: A type of divorce to be granted if one member of the marriage is guilty of some kind of marital misconduct.
Fault Grounds: Marital wrongs that will justify the granting of a divorce. An example would be adultery.
Fee Simple Estate: Absolute ownership unencumbered by an other interest or estate; subject only to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power, and taxation.
File: To personally deliver a document to a clerk of a court so that the document can be included in the official records of a case.
Final Judgment: Re-litigation of a matter as the result of a judge's decision. It does not become final for purposes of appeal until the expiration of a certain amount of time.
Foreign Order: A court order issued by another county, state or nation outside of the jurisdiction in which the custodial parent lives.
Forensics: A general term sometimes used by a therapist hired to evaluate a family. The therapists will state in court which parent they feel should have custody of the child. This is known as a Custody Evaluation.
Fornication: Sexual relations between unmarried persons or between persons who are not married to each other.
Foundation: The evidence that must be presented before asking certain questions or offering documentary evidence on trial.

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