Family Law Glossary | O
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Objection: The verbal response of a lawyer when something inappropriate is happening during a trial or deposition. It is one of many steps involved in protecting the record.
Obligor/Obligee: The person who has an obligation is the obligor. The person to whom this obligation is owed is the obligee.
Obsolescence: One of the causes of depreciation; an impairment of desirability and usefulness caused by new inventions, current changes in design, improved processes of production, or external factors that make a property less desirable and valuable for a continued use.
Opening Statement: A lawyer's opening remarks in the beginning of a trial. They are addressed to the judge.
Opinion: A belief held by a person. In court, a witness is restricted to stating facts and is not permitted to given an opinion. They can, however, express an opinion if they are qualified as an expert witness.
Order: A court's specific ruling on a disputed issue.
Order after Hearing: A written order issued after a hearing and signed by a judge.
Order of Examination: A court proceeding during which a judgment debtor is questioned about his or her assets. The questioning is done under oath.
Order of Protection: An order assigned by the court to prevent one spouse from doing something. Typically, this is assigned in cases where one spouse is harassing the other. If the spouse refuses to abide by the order, he or she may be arrested and end up in jail.
Order to Show Cause: A court order requiring a party to a civil action to appear in court on a specific date and time. This is scheduled to explain why the court should not take a particular action in the case.

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