Family Law Glossary | J
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Joint Custody: Each parent shares legal custody of their children.
Joint Legal Custody: A form of custody of minor children in which the parents share the responsibilities and major decision-making related to the child. (See child custody section).
Joint Physical Custody: A form of custody of minor children in which the parents share the actual physical custody of the child.
Joint Property: Property that is held in the name of more than one person.
Joint Tenancy: A form of joint ownership in which each joint owner has an equal share.
Judgment: The ruling or order of the court.
Judgment of Divorce: A formal written document that states that a man and a woman are divorced. This is prepared by an attorney and presented to the court for the Judge to sign. In some states and provinces, this is recognized as the Divorce Decree or Decree of Dissolution.
Jurisdiction: The power of the court to rule on issues related to the parties, their children and their property.

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