Meeting with an Attorney
If you are considering separation or have separated from your spouse, then you should meet with a family law attorney to discuss your situation. Family law is a large and complex body of law. No person without the necessary legal training can hope to fully understand how the multitude of statutes affects his or her unique circumstances unless they have the guidance of an experienced family law attorney.
Not only is meeting with a family law attorney necessary if you have separated or are considering separation, it is beneficial. The breakdown of a marriage is laden with strong feelings of anger and betrayal, fear and uncertainty. Meeting with an attorney can help allay these emotions by giving you a road map, so to speak - a sense of how best to navigate through a difficult period in which the stakes are extraordinarily high.
The Initial Consultation
Your relationship with a law firm begins with a get-acquainted session that is known as the initial consultation. At our firm, we encourage prospective clients to schedule these consultations for an overview of our services and a chance to outline their family-related issues. Our charge for these meetings is at a discounted rate, making it easier for people to investigate what we have to offer.
What to Bring
Essentially, what you will do during the initial consultation is tell us your story. You will be instructed in your rights and obligations under North Carolina's family law statutes.
- If you are seeking child support and if you bring information on the incomes of you and your spouse, a tentative estimate of the amounts to which you may be entitled can be calculated.
- If there are marital debts and assets to be divided upon divorce, you will be given an idea of how that property will be classified and divided.
- If you have property or debts, such as a marital home or retirement account, a mortgage or an equity credit line you have drawn against, it would be helpful be bring your current statements, appraisals or loan balances.
- If you need spousal or child support, it would be helpful to complete and bring a financial affidavit.
- And if you are contemplating entering into a separation and property settlement agreement with your spouse, our separation agreement questionnaire is very useful in guiding you through the issues involved.
- More important than anything else, what you should bring to the initial consultation with your attorney is candor. Your attorney needs to know both the strengths and weaknesses of your case to plot effective strategy and to reach an accurate assessment of the probable outcome.
At the end of your consultation, strategies to resolve the issues in your case will be discussed. Trial strategy or efforts to settle will be explored.
Whether or not you decide to take advantage of the services of our law firm, you will leave our office after an initial consultation with greater peace of mind; you will understand your situation from a legal standpoint; and you will know that you can count on the assistance of experienced attorneys who have your best interests at heart.

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