family lawyers north carolina

Recent Posts in family lawyers north carolina Category

  • Family Lawyers Must Use The Tools Available To Them

    Like surgeons, we must choose carefully the tools and use them with care. Our tools are statutes, treaties, case law, rules of procedure, local rules, etc. Our expertise involves how we apply the law to the facts confronting our clients. So what do we do if the law as applied produces a bad result? Have you ever read a statute or a line of cases and said to yourself, “That law needs to be changed, ...
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  • A Strong Beginning To A Busy Year

    The Family Law Section had a great annual meeting in May with high attendance at the seminar and a lofty party overlooking old Charleston. As your section chair for 2012-13, I am pleased to take the wheel of a juggernaut of an organization that has a proud record of service to family lawyers, the NCBA, and the citizens of our state. Family lawyers are exceptional people. They are eager to serve ...
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